Tomato Reisentraube

Red oval cherry heritage tomato on indeterminate plants. Description This indeterminate slightly oval cherry tomato originates from Germany (interestingly it is said that it was originally grown for wine making) but today is an extremely tasty red fruit similar in shape to Principe Borghese, but darker and richer in flavour. The fruit grow in clusters…… Continue reading Tomato Reisentraube

Tomato Reisetomate Pocketbook

Unusual red multi-berried open pollinated tomato on straggly indeterminate plants. Description A very unusual tomato this one, heavily fluted to the point where it appears to be a bunch of grapes rather than a single tomato although the individual pieces can be easily separated. Originating from Guatemala, it has a reasonable flavour and is worthwhile…… Continue reading Tomato Reisetomate Pocketbook