Tomato – Yellow Perfection

A small/medium Yellow Cherry tomato on Regular Leafed Indeterminate plants. Description The description given on the packet is of a “Tasty, heirloom (heritage) cultivar with small golden-yellow fruit so it sounds a bit like one of the many yellow cherry varieties we have grown over the years. We bought the seeds from our local supermarket…… Continue reading Tomato – Yellow Perfection

July 2024 – A Slow Year for Tomatoes

The tomatoes have been sown (early March), potted on, molly coddled when they started and eventually planted out into their final spaces in the greenhouse (early April). However, the cold, dull weather seems to be making it hard work for them to grow on as strongly as I would like. All the indeterminate varieties are…… Continue reading July 2024 – A Slow Year for Tomatoes

Tomato – Tsungshigo Chinese

Tsungshigo Chinese

A brown plum shaped tomato on Indeterminate Plants Description A mid/late cropping brown plum shaped tomato very similar to Black Plum. The seeds were part of the 2019 swap but we didn’t get around to growing them for the first time until 2023. Fortunately the seeds seem to have kept and there was no issue…… Continue reading Tomato – Tsungshigo Chinese

Tomato – Rainbow Blend

Multiple colours of small plum tomatoes on an Indeterminate Plant Description This is an F1 Hybrid which comes in a packet of multiple colours (red, yellow, orange). However, it is possible that the open pollenated plant will run true to the original colour (or at least the selected yellow tomato first grown in 2022 grew…… Continue reading Tomato – Rainbow Blend

2023 – First Tomatoes

We were so excited when we finally harvested our very first batch of tomatoes this week. It was such a rewarding moment. There weren’t that many, just a handful, but it still felt like a significant accomplishment. Surprisingly, they ripened a bit earlier than we anticipated. It’s interesting how nature sometimes works in mysterious ways,…… Continue reading 2023 – First Tomatoes

Tomato Seedlings on the way

Tomatoes, Peppers & Physalis Despite the relatively cold weather over the last two weeks, the seedlings are beginning to push their way forward. Of the seeds I sowed, only one variety failed to germinate at all, the seeds were really quite old but I think I might have another go. The peppers and physalis are…… Continue reading Tomato Seedlings on the way

Tomatoes for 2023 and other things

I’ve been sorting through my tomato seeds and trying to work out what to grow in 2023. As ever, its a balancing act, trying to select a range of cultivars that meet the conflicting needs of an amateur grower with not a lot of space. I have seeds for around 200 different cultivars and (as…… Continue reading Tomatoes for 2023 and other things