An Orange Plum tomato on Semi Determinate Plants
From the 2019 Seed Swap, another of those grown for the first time in 2021..
Its described as a Orange Plum tomato with two inch fruits with few seeds which is good for cooking and sauces.
It is said to be a cross between Yellow Brandywine and San Marzano, stabilised by William Woys Weaver whose story is best described here. His Roughwood Seed Collection seems to be large though where the various tomato cultivars are available from remains somewhat of a mystery.
As he’s been growing out the tomatoes for a long time but with no defined date as to when this cultivar was stabilised (that I’ve been able to find) I’ve defined it as Open Pollinated.
Its a heavy cropper but doesn’t generate many seeds. Not particularly good for salads or sandwiches but a good cooker. Its defined as “semi-Determinate” but we grew it successfully as an indeterminate and it grew up to the eaves of the greenhouse.

Quick Facts
- Fruit Type: Cooker
- Fruit Shape: Plum
- Fruit Size: 2 inch
- Fruit Colour: Orange
- Flesh Colour: Orange
- Plant Type: Semi-Determinate
- Leaf Type: Regular
- Seed Type: Open Pollinated
- Ripe Days: 76?
- Taste:
- Our Source: 2019 SS
- Origin: USA – William Woys Weaver
- Alternatives: Mandarin Cross, Moonglow, Jubilee
- Fruit per Truss: 7 – 9
- Truss Spacing: 15 inch
Buy Your Seeds Here
Prices given are for a packet of seeds (and may be wrong) different suppliers have different numbers of seeds in a packet.
No Commercial Source of Seeds Known
Buy Your Plants Here
Prices may be wrong and will be for different numbers of different sized plants.
No Commercial Source of Plants Known
Updated: 16/01/2024