Here is a list of all of our posts about our outdoor beds.
- August 2020 – Report so far - Most things are doing fine. The tomatoes are cropping well with much the same weight of tomatoes as the previous couple of years so far. The 2018 crop seemed to peak in a few weeks time so it will be interesting to see how they compare. 2019 wasn’t a very good year overall, this year… Continue reading August 2020 – Report so far
- End of July Update – 2019 - We’ve come to the end of July and the garden/polytunnel are both doing well with decent harvests of French Beans, Cucumbers and Courgettes adding to the Lettuce (which are still going well). However, the Radishes, Broad Beans and Peas have finished for the year. Whatever I do with Radishes, they never seem to be as… Continue reading End of July Update – 2019
- End of June update - We’re at the end of June and the garden is looking OK. The vegetables are beginning to deliver with Sugar Snap Peas, Broad Beans and French Beans adding to the Lettuce and Radishes that we’ve been harvesting for a while. Nothing in “glut” volumes yet but the courgettes, cucumbers & French Beans look like they’re… Continue reading End of June update
- How much food do you waste? - The other day I was reading an online article (at (it was raining) which finished with “people who grow their own waste less” and we should therefore replace the “farm to plate” production line with “garden to plate”. As I had just thrown out some lettuces that had gone over, I had a debate… Continue reading How much food do you waste?
- MYHarvest Report - A while ago, I posted a post that included a reference to MYHarvest. Well the group involved have published their first report and I think it makes interesting reading. You can find it here. They’ve taken some figures from us food gardeners (allotments and backgarden) to show what quantity of food we produce and it… Continue reading MYHarvest Report
- When is it going to get warm? - I spent most of this morning transplanting my tomatoes from their seed pots up into individual pots. They need it to allow them to grow on faster but, I wondered when it was going to get warm. Those of you who have looked at the Raspberry Pi part of this site will know that I’ve… Continue reading When is it going to get warm?
- Pruning Autumn Fruited Raspberries - Yesterday I went to the allotment to prune my Autumn Fruiting Raspberries. Raspberries are possibly one of the few reasons why I want to keep my allotment. This year we picked a total of 17kgs of fruit, about half of which are presently sat in the freezer, the rest having been eaten as they ripened.… Continue reading Pruning Autumn Fruited Raspberries
- Tomato Heinz-9129 - Medium sized, red, open pollinated tomato on determinate plants. Description Heinz-9129 is a standard sized red tomato with a true tomato taste. It grown on a strong, leafy, determinate (bush) plant and we grew it in 2012. It was successful with a good crop of 2-3 inch fruit which ripened to bright red fruit good… Continue reading Tomato Heinz-9129
- 31st October 2017 – End of the Season - Its that time of year when I begin to wonder whether the allotment is worth it. There’s no crops to pick (other than the occasional raspberry) and walking two miles each way to spend an hour or two digging the beds and preparing for next year somehow seems hard work. In addition, this coming Saturday… Continue reading 31st October 2017 – End of the Season