Medium sized, red, open pollinated tomato on determinate plants.
Heinz-9129 is a standard sized red tomato with a true tomato taste. It grown on a strong, leafy, determinate (bush) plant and we grew it in 2012.
It was successful with a good crop of 2-3 inch fruit which ripened to bright red fruit good for cooking into sauces as well as eating fresh.
One out of four heritage tomato varieties sent to Tomatofest by Kees Groenewegen, Manager of Operations for HeinzSeed for TomatoFest to grow out and share. This open-pollinated tomato variety was developed in Bowling Green Ohio and Leamington Ontario when Heinz had breeding stations there many years ago. This variety was developed primarily for Eastern Canada and the Northeast U.S.”
It appears to have grown well in the greenhouse in 2012 but it was slightly later than many of the indeterminate standard varieties. Like all determinate tomatoes, it was more awkward to grow in the greenhouse occupying more space than the indeterminate varieties. The plant has to be kept clear of the ground as its bushy habit made ideal space for slugs to hide.
The unripe tomatoes ripened well off-the-vine meaning that we had good tomatoes through until late November.
We may lose this cultivar from our collection, we grew the last seed in 2020 and only got a very small number of seeds.

Quick Facts
- Fruit Type: Standard
- Fruit Shape: Round
- Fruit Size: 2-3 inches
- Fruit Colour: Red
- Flesh Colour: Red
- Plant Type: Determinate
- Leaf Type: Regular
- Seed Type: Open Pollinated
- Ripe Days: Mid/Late (65+ days)
- Taste: Sweet
- Our Source: Tomatofest
- Origin: USA
- Alternatives: All the standard red tomatoes
- Fruit per Truss: N/A
- Truss Spacing: N/A
Buy Your Seeds Here
Prices given are for a packet of seeds (and may be wrong) different suppliers have different numbers of seeds in a packet.
Buy Your Plants Here
Prices may be wrong and will be for different numbers of different sized plants.
Updated: 08/01/2024