Tomato Roma

Elongated red medium sized heritage tomato on compact indeterminate plants. Description Roma is one of the most common and prolofic Italian cooking tomatoes. is fleshy, sweet plum tomato with few seeds. Shorter and stockier than San Marzano, the flesh is thinner and it has a strong, sweet and more acidic taste. Ideal for cooking or…… Continue reading Tomato Roma

Tomato Rio Grande

Medium sized pear shaped red heritage tomato on determinate plants. Description Rio Grande is a deep red large, pear shaped, tomato which produces good crops of fruit on vigorous determinate plants which can be grown indoors or outdoors. The fruit is similar in size and shape to Roma but grows on a determinate plant. The…… Continue reading Tomato Rio Grande

Tomato Reisentraube

Red oval cherry heritage tomato on indeterminate plants. Description This indeterminate slightly oval cherry tomato originates from Germany (interestingly it is said that it was originally grown for wine making) but today is an extremely tasty red fruit similar in shape to Principe Borghese, but darker and richer in flavour. The fruit grow in clusters…… Continue reading Tomato Reisentraube

Tomato Reisetomate Pocketbook

Unusual red multi-berried open pollinated tomato on straggly indeterminate plants. Description A very unusual tomato this one, heavily fluted to the point where it appears to be a bunch of grapes rather than a single tomato although the individual pieces can be easily separated. Originating from Guatemala, it has a reasonable flavour and is worthwhile…… Continue reading Tomato Reisetomate Pocketbook

Tomato Red Zebra

Red/Yellow striped medium sized open pollinated tomato on indeterminate plants. Description Red Zebra is a medium sized sweet tomato. A red version of the better known Green Zebra, it is slightly more unusual, the fruits are sweet and full of flavour. The indeterminate, regular-leafed plant produces bright red fruit covered in yellow stripes (similar to…… Continue reading Tomato Red Zebra

Tomato Red Robin

Red Cherry open pollinated tomato on compact determinate plants. Description This is another of the compact determinate red cherry tomatoes (similar to Tiny Tim). The seeds came to us via a seed swap and, when we grew them (2016) produced lots of small cherry tomatoes with an acceptable taste. They are early, extremely compact plants…… Continue reading Tomato Red Robin

Tomato Red Buffalo Horn

Red elongated plum shaped open pollinated tomato on indeterminate plants. Description Elongated late ripening plum tomato trusses of four or five fruit of about 5-6 ounces. Really meaty and good for cooking and salads. This variety seems to appear from nowhere at the Heritage Seed Library where it was “acquired by chance” from Provence. Other…… Continue reading Tomato Red Buffalo Horn

Tomato – Red Berry

Red, Cherry heritage tomato on indeterminate plants. Description Red Berry/Cherry are identical as fas as we can make out. The trusses of fruit look the same and the taste/size are again so similar that we have decided they are one and the same cultivar. Red Berry/Cherry is a lovely sweet cherry tomato. An early/mid ripening,…… Continue reading Tomato – Red Berry

Tomato Red Brandywine

Red Beefsteak heritage tomato on indeterminate plants. Description Red Brandywine is an excellent tasting and very productive beefsteak tomato. A mid-late ripening indeterminate, regular-leafed beefsteak with medium-large (4-14oz) red fruits. A heavy cropper (it needs to be staked), it is supposedly named after the Brandywine River in Pennsylvania where it was introduced around 1885. In…… Continue reading Tomato Red Brandywine

Tomato Quedlinberger Fruhe Liebe

Variable sized red heritage tomato on compact indeterminate potato leafed plants. Description A very early compact indeterminate, potato leafed red tomato of variable size. Very similar in both appearance and taste to Bloody Butcher and Stupice (in fact so similar that I wonder if they are actually the same cultivar from different sources), it certainly…… Continue reading Tomato Quedlinberger Fruhe Liebe