Pea sized white open pollinated tomato on compact indeterminate plants. Description White Currant produces large numbers of tiny creamy white fruit on a sprawling plant which (whilst we have defined it as a “compact indeterminate”) can grow large under the right circumstances. In general, we grow this in a pot and it grows very similarly…… Continue reading Tomato White Currant
Tag: Tomato Cultivar
Tomato Vintage Wine
Pink/Yellow small beefsteak open pollinated tomato on potato leafed indeterminate plants. Description Vintage Wine is a medium sized pastel-hued golden striped beefsteak tomato with mild flavour. A mid-ripening, indeterminate, potato-leafed, medium sized (5 – 8 oz) tomato with unusual pale pink fruits with golden stripes. It is full of flavour and an ideal companion to…… Continue reading Tomato Vintage Wine
Tomato Vesennij Mieurinsky
Red Cherry Open Pollinated tomato on indeterminate plants. Description Red Indeterminate cherry tomato with compact trusses of small salad tomatoes. We grew this for the first time in 2017. It grows very similarly to Christmas Grapes and has a very sweet taste (need to grow both side by side to do a taste comparison). Produced…… Continue reading Tomato Vesennij Mieurinsky
Tomato Tumbling Tom Red
Small red cherry heritage tomato on determinate plants. Description Tumbling Tom Red is a Red cherry tomato “just perfect” for container growing a partner to Tumbling Tom Yellow. The early/mid-ripening, determinate, regular leafed, plant is ideal for hanging baskets and containers. It has lots of small sized yellow juicy and sweet tomatoes and is an…… Continue reading Tomato Tumbling Tom Red
Tomato Tumbling Tom Yellow
Small yellow cherry heritage tomato on determinate plants. Description Tumbling Tom Yellow is a yellow cherry tomato “just perfect” for container growing. The early/mid-ripening, determinate, regular leafed, plant is ideal for hanging baskets and containers. It has lots of small sized yellow juicy and sweet tomatoes and is an ideal companion for Tiny Tim and…… Continue reading Tomato Tumbling Tom Yellow
Tomato True Black Brandywine
Black beefsteak heritage tomato on potato leafed indeterminate plants. Description There’s a little debate about this cultivar. Said to originate from a breeder in the late 1920’s, it pre-dates Black Brandywine and is a potato leafed variety (Black Brandywine is a regular leafed cultivar) and therefore is (in some ways) more like the rest of…… Continue reading Tomato True Black Brandywine
Tomato Transparent
Yellow large cherry open pollinated tomato on indeterminate plants. Description One of many yellow, round tomatoes (very similar to Oleron Yellow, Snow White, etc.). However, the skin doesn’t add colour to the tomato being almost completely transparent (hence the name I suppose). The flavour is a little too mild for us (we prefer something with…… Continue reading Tomato Transparent
Tomato Tiny Tim
Red Cherry heritage tomato on compact indeterminate plants. Description Tiny Tim produces masses of small tomatoes with excellent flavour. The early ripening, compact indeterminate, regular-leafed, round, plant with a compact habit is ideal for growing in pots on the window ledge or on the patio. Its compact habit means that it is best grown as…… Continue reading Tomato Tiny Tim
Tomato Tigerella
Medium sized red/yellow striped open pollinated/heritage tomato on indeterminate plants. Description Tigerella is a sweet flavoured, mid-sized (2 – 4oz) red and yellow striped tomato. Well established, it has nonetheless kept its place in our greenhouses because of its excellent taste and reliable, high cropping. It was developed in the UK by Dr Lewis Darby…… Continue reading Tomato Tigerella
Tomato Tim’s Black Ruffles
Large purple/black beefsteak open pollinated tomato on indeterminate plants. Description Tim’s Black Ruffles is a large purple/black beefsteak tomato, a cross between Black Krim and Zapotek Pink Pleated. The large indeterminate, regular leafed plants are moderate producers of the 8-10oz fruit which are full of the sweet, well-balanced flavours you would expect of a black…… Continue reading Tomato Tim’s Black Ruffles