A orange/yellow standard sized open pollinated tomato on determinate plants.
Gold Dust is an early deep orange/yellow, regular-leafed, standard sized tomato. The determinate/semi-determinate (Bush) plant produces quantities of round slightly flattened firm fleshed orange/yellow tomatoes of between 4 and 8 ounces (2-3 inches).
Its an early ripening variety (with some fruit ripening at the same time as Bloody Butcher which is always our first tomato) but it crops well, late into the season. Its therefore good for the UK and other “short season” areas. In late October we picked a number of green tomatoes and these ripened off the vine with few failing to ripen. According to our research, it has been grown as far north as Vancouver (in Canada) having been developed by the University of New Hampshire (USA) in 1992. (See here http://scholars.unh.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1288&context=nhaes ).
The tomatoes are meaty and multi-locular and so hold together well when sliced. Good for sandwiches and sauces (although its orange colour means that the sauces are pale unless other tomatoes are added). The taste is savoury and better than many yellow tomatoes although it lacks the acidic bite of some cherry tomatoes.

Quick Facts
- Fruit Type: Standard
- Fruit Shape: Slightly Flattened
- Fruit Size: Large Standard/Small Beefsteak
- Fruit Colour: Yellow/Orange
- Flesh Colour: Yellow/Orange
- Plant Type: Determinate
- Leaf Type: Regular
- Seed Type: Heritage
- Ripe Days: Early (55-65 days)
- Taste: Savoury
- Our Source: Tomatofest
- Origin: USA
- Alternatives: None exactly
- Fruit per Truss: N/A
- Truss Spacing: N/A
Buy Your Seeds Here
Prices given are for a packet of seeds (and may be wrong) different suppliers have different numbers of seeds in a packet.
Buy Your Plants Here
Prices may be wrong and will be for different numbers of different sized plants.
No Commercial Source of Plants Known
If you are ordering seeds which have to be imported, make sure they have the necessary documentation
Updated: 20/01/2024