Black, plum shaped, medium/large heritage tomato on Indeterminate potato leafed plants.
Japanese Black Trifele (also known as Black Truffle) is an unusual tear-drop shaped medium sized tomato. A mid/late ripening, indeterminate, potato-leafed plant, as well as being an unusual shape, the 4 – 8 oz fruits have chocolate, smokey and rich complex flavours and are resistant to cracking. The plant is a shortish vine (4-5 ft) and therefore should not need to have the growing tip removed. The best fruits are late and right at the top of the plant.
We’ve grown this for a number of years with great success. In 2013 we also bought some “Black Truffle” seeds and grew them to later find that they are the same variety, just sold under a different name (annoying).
Our understanding is that they are originally a Russian Commercial variety (original name Yaponskiy Trufel Chernyi) which acquired a number of different translations as it progressed (such is the problems of different languages). Its difficult to know when it was developed, but it was introduced to the US in 1999.

Quick Facts
- Fruit Type: Plum
- Fruit Shape: Pear Shaped
- Fruit Size: 4 – 8 ounce
- Fruit Colour: Mahogany/Brown
- Flesh Colour: Brown
- Plant Type: Indeterminate
- Seed Type: Open Pollinated/Heritage
- Leaf Type: Potato
- Time to Ripe: Mid/Late
- Taste: Rich
- Fruit per Truss: 6-12
- Truss Spacing: 12-15 inches
- Alternatives:
- Our Source: Tomatofest
Buy Your Seeds Here
Prices given are for a packet of seeds (and may be wrong) different suppliers have different numbers of seeds in a packet.
Buy Your Plants Here
Prices may be wrong and will be for different numbers of different sized plants.
Updated: 08/01/2024