Small grape shaped cherry open pollinated tomato on compact indeterminate plants.
Thai Pink Egg is a small pink/red grape tomato originally from Thailand where it is very popular. There is some confusion as to whether this is a determinate or indeterminate plant. Our own experience is that it is a very short, dense, indeterminate plant which is best treated as though it were a determinate plant (i.e. do not take out the sideshoots and grow them in pots). When fully ripe, the 25gram fruits have a mild, sweet flavour which bursts in the mouth. However, it is important to let them fully ripen as when underripe their taste can be somewhat bitter. A beautiful tomato, the shape of a small egg.
Added to our selection of cherry & determinate tomatoes to increase the range of colours and flavours.

Quick Facts
- Fruit Type: Cherry
- Fruit Shape: Egg
- Fruit Size: Small
- Fruit Colour: Pink/Red
- Flesh Colour: Red
- Plant Type: Compact Indeterminate
- Seed Type: Open Pollinated
- Leaf Type: Regular
- Time to Ripe: Early (55-60)
- Taste: Sweet when fully ripe
- Fruit per Truss: N/A
- Truss Spacing: N/A
- Alternatives: Garden Pearl
- Our Source: Nicky’s Seeds
Buy Your Seeds Here
Prices given are for a packet of seeds (and may be wrong) different suppliers have different numbers of seeds in a packet.
Buy Your Plants Here
Prices may be wrong and will be for different numbers of different sized plants.
No Commercial Source of Plants Known
Updated: 16/01/2024