White striped medium sized open pollinated tomato on indeterminate plants.
This is said to be a white striped tomato. However, when we grew it (in 2014) our plant (just one) produced standard red tomatoes so we assumed that the seeds had crossed with some other variety in the supplier (Heritage Harvested Seed) and our problem is to know whether this was a single problem in the packet or whether all the seeds were affected (we also noticed that the seeds are no longer available). No complaints – these things happen.
We’ll have to try again with some of the remaining seeds.
2018 Update
We got some seeds from a seeds swap in 2017 and they grew out as expected. However, 2018 proved to be a bad year for Blossom End Rot and White Zebra was the worst of the bunch with well over half of the crop falling foul of this problem. I don’t know why, I treated all my plants in a similar way and this was the only cultivar that suffered to this degree (and most of the other cultivars that had a problem were plum tomatoes).
Anyway as far as it goes, the tomatoes had a nice colour – white with green stripes – and those that did survive BER tasted fine – nothing really special and not particularly large compared to others in the Zebra family (I don’t know if these were also bred by Tom Wagner or have just adopted the name).

Quick Facts
- Fruit Type: Small Beefsteak
- Fruit Shape: Flat/Round
- Fruit Size: Medium/Large
- Fruit Colour: White/Yellow
- Flesh Colour: Yellow
- Plant Type: Indeterminate
- Leaf Type: Regular
- Seed Type: Heritage
- Ripe Days: Late (90+ days)
- Taste: Excellent
- Our Source: Nicky’s Seeds
- Origin: USA
- Alternatives: Azoychka
- Fruit per Truss: 5-10
- Truss Spacing: 15-24 inches
Buy Your Seeds Here
Prices given are for a packet of seeds (and may be wrong) different suppliers have different numbers of seeds in a packet.
Buy Your Plants Here
Prices may be wrong and will be for different numbers of different sized plants.
No Commercial Source of Plants Known
If you are ordering seeds which have to be imported, make sure they have the necessary documentation
Updated: 20/01/2024