Although it’s been a mild winter with only a few days of frost and no snow (as yet), it’s still nice to see the first signs of spring. The evenings are light later, the birds are collecting around the feeders and the snowdrops and aconites are starting to show colour.
We’ve managed to protect the bird feeders from the squirrels and the magpies by putting cages around them and we get little flurries of tits on the seeds and suet. The suet attracts the long tailed tits and we get half a dozen or so for a few minutes before they dash off elsewhere. I must try and work out whether I can get a picture of them.
It won’t be long before I’ll have to make up my mind about the tomatoes and other things to grow for this year. It looks like I’m going to have to sow some more broad beans as quite a few of the existing plants seem to have been damaged by a combination of wind and leaves but that’s not a real problem.

As you can see there are still lots of leaves to collect but it’s wet and muddy. A task for another day 😀