Tomato Britain’s Breakfast

A cherry sized pointed plum tomato on indeterminate plants.


Britains Breakfast is a very productive cherry plum tomato. Its lemon shaped fruit is produced on large spreading trusses of between 30 and 70 fruit. The number of fruit on a truss means that you should possibly restrict the plant to only a few trusses otherwise the number of fruit on each truss and size will be affected.

The fruit are extremely tasty and its a superb tomato for salads and snacking as well cooking for all sorts of uses as (despite their size) they peel relatively easily and make a rich sauce.

We grew these in 2013 & 2014 with reasonable success, not huge crops by weight but a large number of fruit. We will grow them again.

The fruit does not split easily when ripe.

We grew these again in 2019 (as I’ve said everywhere else a “funny” year) and unlike most of the varieties, we got a better crop than other years. However, as you can see from the 2019 picture, there was some Blossom End Rot.

Quick Facts

  • Fruit Type: Cherry
  • Fruit Shape: Pointed/Lemon Shaped
  • Fruit Size: Small/Medium
  • Fruit Colour: Red
  • Flesh Colour: Red
  • Plant Type: Indeterminate
  • Leaf Type: Regular
  • Seed Type: Heritage
  • Ripe Days: Mid (70-80 days)
  • Taste: Sweet
  • Our Source: W Robinson
  • Origin:
  • Alternatives: Kbits Ukranian
  • Fruit per Truss: 30-60
  • Truss Spacing: 12-18 inches

Buy Your Seeds Here

Prices given are for a packet of seeds (and may be wrong) different suppliers have different numbers of seeds in a packet.

Buy Your Plants Here

Prices may be wrong and will be for different numbers of different sized plants.

    Updated: 08/01/2024