A brown/green striped standard sized open pollinated tomato on indeterminate plants.
The web describes this as a Russian commercial variety introduced into North America in 2000. Whilst it sounds similar to Purple Russian, our experience is that it is very different.
The mainly brown (but with green stripes) fruit are of medium size (3-4 ounces) but split extremely easily and have a tendency to strip the skin as they are picked. The flavour was (in our opinion) nothing special and there are bigger and more productive tomatoes for cooking. So its probably not a tomato we will choose to grow again (given our limited space).

Quick Facts
- Fruit Type: Cooker
- Fruit Shape: Round
- Fruit Size: Medium
- Fruit Colour: Black/Green Stripe
- Flesh Colour: Dark
- Plant Type: Indeterminate
- Leaf Type: Regular
- Seed Type: Open Pollinated
- Ripe Days: Mid (70-80 days)
- Taste: Average
- Our Source: Seed Swap 2016
- Origin: Russia?
- Alternatives: Berkeley Tie Dye, Violet Jasper
- Fruit per Truss: 4-8
- Truss Spacing: 12-15 inches
We haven’t found a commercial source for this cultivar, if you know of one please let us know.
Updated: 13/01/2021