Red, large fruited open pollinated tomato on semi-determinate plants Description Semi-determinate, red meaty tomato with fruit 2-3 inches in diameter. Mainly seedless fruit on a plant that has some resistance to late blight. We grew this in 2017 for the first time as a Determinate, leaving it to do its worst. It produced a number…… Continue reading Tomato Legend
Tag: Tomatoes
Tomato Latah
Medium sized red open pollinated tomato on determinate plants. Description Latah is one of the regular/small early tomatoes that grow on semi-determinate plants. This means that the plant doesn’t actually grow very tall and is usually quite sprawling and is best grown with a number of cordons rather than trying to grow it as a…… Continue reading Tomato Latah
Tomato Koralik Red Cherry
Red, Cherry, heritage tomato on sprawling determinate plants. Description An relatively large, sprawling, Determinate plant with a heavy crop of small (1 inch) red cherry tomatoes. Its an early cropper and benefits from being grown indoors. The fruit have that combination of sweetness and mild tartness which makes them perfect for salads. We haven’t been…… Continue reading Tomato Koralik Red Cherry
Tomato Kibit’s Ukranian
A small(ish), plum shaped open pollinated tomato on determinate plants. Description Kibit’s Ukranian is a Plum shaped mid-season tomato on a relatively small Determinate plant (which makes it good for growing in containers). We grew it for the first time in 2016 using seed from a seeds swap in the UK so, we’ve looked around…… Continue reading Tomato Kibit’s Ukranian
Tomato Kanner Hoell
Red, beefsteak heritage tomato on indeterminate plants. Description An Indeterminate, Regular Leafed, Red Beefsteak tomato from Seeds Savers Exchange (in the USA). The person who donated the original seeds (Reverend C Frank Morrow) said that the cultivar had originated in Germany and had been in his family since 1916. We grew this for the first…… Continue reading Tomato Kanner Hoell
Tomato Jumbo Jim Orange
Orange, Beefsteak, open pollinated tomato on indeterminate plants. Description An excellent large orange beefsteak, similar in appearance to Summer Cider. However, its a regular leafed plant and the flavour doesn’t (in my opinion) have the depth of sweetness of Summer Cider. We’re not sure of the history of this cultivar, like many varieties it appears…… Continue reading Tomato Jumbo Jim Orange
Tomato Jubilee
Golden Yellow, Beefsteak heritage tomato on indeterminate plants. Description Tomato Jubilee is a beefsteak tomato with 1-2 lb golden yellow/orange fruit with few seeds and a mild but complete flavour. The regular leafed indeterminate plants grow 4-6ft tall. There seems to be some debate as to where these have originated from as there are different…… Continue reading Tomato Jubilee
Tomato Japanese Black Trifele
Black, plum shaped, medium/large heritage tomato on Indeterminate potato leafed plants. Description Japanese Black Trifele (also known as Black Truffle) is an unusual tear-drop shaped medium sized tomato. A mid/late ripening, indeterminate, potato-leafed plant, as well as being an unusual shape, the 4 – 8 oz fruits have chocolate, smokey and rich complex flavours and…… Continue reading Tomato Japanese Black Trifele
Tomato Ildi
Yellow, oval cherry heritage tomato on indeterminate plants. Description Ildi (also known as Yellow Grape) is a yellow oval/plum shaped cherry tomato with a zesty tomatoey flavour. A mid/late ripening, indeterminate, regular-leafed plant with masses of small pear shaped sweet and juicy tomatoes. Each truss supports about 60 individual fruits which can stay in good…… Continue reading Tomato Ildi
Tomato Hundreds and Thousands
A red cherry heritage tomato on determinate plants. Description An excellent bite sized (perfect for snacking) cherry tomato from determinate plants that produce literally hundreds or thousands of small fruit from plants which cascade down from whatever you’re growing them in. We grew this for the only time in 2015 as a comparison to Sweet…… Continue reading Tomato Hundreds and Thousands