Large cherry open pollinated tomato on indeterminate plants. Description A large cherry tomato with blue/black skin colouration with yellow speckles. The flesh is red. We grew this for the first time in 2017, from seeds from a seed swap and, whilst its flavour was nothing out of the ordinary, we were pleasantly surprised at the…… Continue reading Tomato Dark Galaxy
Tag: Tomatoes
Tomato Cyril’s Choice
A red salad open pollinated tomato on very dwarf indeterminate/determinate plants. Description An English variety which was distributed through the Heritage Seed Library (although it seems to have disappeared from its list now), the stocky determinate plant has relatively small, regular sized deep red fruits and dark foliage. We grew this for the first time…… Continue reading Tomato Cyril’s Choice
Tomato Cuore Di Bue
A large heart shaped red heritage tomato on indeterminate plants. Description Cuore di Bue (Italian for Oxheart but not to be confused with Cuor di Bue despite the similarity in name but similar to Cuore di Torro) is a pinkish red, sweet tasting, meaty, ox-heart beef tomato which is excellent for slicing and cooking because…… Continue reading Tomato Cuore Di Bue
Tomato Crimson Crush
A Blight Resistant red F1 hybrid tomato on Indeterminate plants. Description We have found that these were bred by Burpees Europe (and have a different name in the US – Cloudy Days). Following my diatribe against F1 Hybrid tomatoes in Country Taste you might be surprised to find another F1 Hybrid tomato in my list. Well…… Continue reading Tomato Crimson Crush
Tomato Cream Sausage
A cream/white elongated plum tomato on determinate plants. Description Also known as Banana Cream, this is one of many tomatoes bred by Tom Wagner, a cross with Yellow Banana in 1998 which was commercially released in 2004. This determinate regular leafed plant is productive and the paste tomato is an elongated plum and a creamy…… Continue reading Tomato Cream Sausage
Tomato Country Taste
Round Red Beefsteak F1 Hybrid tomato on Indeterminate plants. Description This was a mistake. I don’t (in general) grow F1 hybrids (except for attempts to defeat blight). I picked this up in a garden centre and didn’t read the packet properly. My reason for not growing F1 hybrid tomatoes is because I have yet to…… Continue reading Tomato Country Taste
Tomato Costoluto Fiorentino
Costoluto Fiorentino: Small heavily ridged red beefsteak heritage tomato on indeterminate plants.
Tomato Christmas Grapes
A red Cherry open pollinated tomato on Indeterminate plants Description Christmas Grapes is a cherry tomato with an intense tomato flavour. An early/mid ripening, indeterminate, regular leafed plant, the scarlet, grape-like, sweet tasting tomatoes are up to 1 inch with closely packed trusses of 10-20 fruit yielding a steady stream of fruit through the season.…… Continue reading Tomato Christmas Grapes
Tomato Chiapis Wild Tom
A Pea sized red heritage tomato on a short indeterminate plant. Description Indeterminate very early small red cherry tomato, resistant to many diseases. Cold resistant and therefore continues to produce fruits late in the season. This tomato originates from Chiapas state in Southern Mexico. Like all indeterminate tomatoes it is theoretically a perennial but grown…… Continue reading Tomato Chiapis Wild Tom
Tomato Chocolate Cherry
Chocolate Cherry: A dark brown/black heritage cherry tomato on indeterminate plants.