2018 – Mid September Update

Greenhouse 1

Greenhouse 1

Greenhouse 2

Greenhouse 2

So, here we are in the middle of September, the days are beginning to get shorter and (this year at least) the tomatoes are starting to slow down. So far may greenhouses have produced about 26kg of tomatoes, a mixture of all sorts and colours and I’ve been reasonably pleased.

Many of the tomatoes are in the freezer chopped ready to supply us through the winter although many have been eaten as we go with a mixture salads and cooking.

For whatever reason, many of this years tomatoes are paste varieties which don’t taste as nice unless they are cooked although we’ve had plenty of cherry tomatoes (mainly yellow) and a good crop of various beefsteak varieties (of which I think my favourite ones are Moonglow and Big Rainbow).

If you look at the pictures, you’ll see that the greenhouses aren’t very tidy. This year I haven’t bothered to grow the plants as a single cordon just putting strings around to hold the plants back to the walls. It seems to have worked fine but I think that the warm (hot & sunny) weather has contributed. Had it been cooler and damper, my guess is that I would have had Blight at some stage.

I have had quite a bit of Blossom End Rot but its been concentrated on a few varieties (Orange Banana, White Zebra, Zhefen Short) and the others have been reasonably free. However, I have had some splitting in the cherry tomatoes (Peacevine have been the worst) so they’ve either had to be thrown away or cooked.

It will be interesting to see how long they go on cropping.