31st October 2017 – End of the Season

Our Allotment

Its that time of year when I begin to wonder whether the allotment is worth it. There’s no crops to pick (other than the occasional raspberry) and walking two miles each way to spend an hour or two digging the beds and preparing for next year somehow seems hard work. In addition, this coming Saturday…… Continue reading 31st October 2017 – End of the Season

Tomato Chiapis Wild Tom

A Pea sized red heritage tomato on a short indeterminate plant. Description Indeterminate very early small red cherry tomato, resistant to many diseases. Cold resistant and therefore continues to produce fruits late in the season. This tomato originates from Chiapas state in Southern Mexico. Like all indeterminate tomatoes it is theoretically a perennial but grown…… Continue reading Tomato Chiapis Wild Tom

Tomato Chadwick Cherry (Camp Joy)

A red, large cherry heritage tomato on Indeterminate plants. Description Developed by Alan Chadwick (an English tomato breeder and founder of the CCOF – California and Organic Farming Organisation) in Santa Cruz California in the 1960s. This small to medium cherry tomato is similar to Gardener’s Delight and grows well under many conditions. Its supposedly…… Continue reading Tomato Chadwick Cherry (Camp Joy)

Tomato Brown Sugar

A brown/green striped standard sized open pollinated tomato on indeterminate plants. Description The web describes this as a Russian commercial variety introduced into North America in 2000. Whilst it sounds similar to Purple Russian, our experience is that it is very different. The mainly brown (but with green stripes) fruit are of medium size (3-4…… Continue reading Tomato Brown Sugar

Tomato Brown Berry

A dark brown cherry heritage tomato on Indeterminate plants. Description Brown Berry is a cherry tomato with fantastic smokey/sweet flavoured juicy little fruits that hang in swathes on the vine. A mid-ripening, indeterminate, regular-leafed, round, brown tomato which doesn’t seem to split, whatever you do, Brown Berry adds colour and flavour to salads and is…… Continue reading Tomato Brown Berry