Pink, beefsteak, heritage tomato on indeterminate plants. Description This Pink Beefsteak tomato grows on a vigorous indeterminate plant with regular leaves. Its quite late fruiting (like most Beefsteak) and the fruit are very similar to Pink Brandywine and Mortgage Lifter. This Heritage tomato was introduced in 1924 by a Peter Henderson as an improvement on…… Continue reading Tomato Henderson’s Wins All
Tag: Tomatoes
Tomato Heinz-9129
Medium sized, red, open pollinated tomato on determinate plants. Description Heinz-9129 is a standard sized red tomato with a true tomato taste. It grown on a strong, leafy, determinate (bush) plant and we grew it in 2012. It was successful with a good crop of 2-3 inch fruit which ripened to bright red fruit good…… Continue reading Tomato Heinz-9129
Tomato Harbinger
Red, medium sized, heritage tomato on indeterminate plants. Description Harbinger is a bright red, sweet, medium sized tomato. The indeterminate, regular leafed, plant produces medium sized round tomatoes over a long period of time, ripening early in the right conditions. It does well indoors but is also suitable for outdoor growing but is not resistant…… Continue reading Tomato Harbinger
Tomato Green Zebra
Distinctive green striped medium sized open pollinated tomato on indeterminate plants. Description Green Zebra is a mid-sized tart tomato with distinctive green and yellow stripes. The indeterminate, regular-leafed plant produces good quantities of the round, distinctively green and yellow striped fruit. Another tomato bred by Tom Wagner and released in the early 1980s, its part…… Continue reading Tomato Green Zebra
Tomato Green Grapes
Green, cherry open pollinated tomatoes on compact indeterminate plants. Description Green Grapes (also known as Green Grape) is a green cherry tomato with a sweet-tart flavour. The mid-ripening, short indeterminate, regular-leafed, plant has long trusses of 8-14 well spaced slightly oblong green cherry tomatoes. Our experience in growing this tomato is that it can be…… Continue reading Tomato Green Grapes
Tomato Green Giant
Green, beefsteak, open pollinated tomato on indeterminate plants. Description One of the Green Beefsteak varieties. However, it doesn’t seem to develop the red colouration of other varieties (such as Aunt Ruby’s German Green) so the colour stays more or less the same from unripe to ripe which makes it a bit more difficult to know…… Continue reading Tomato Green Giant
Tomato Golden Sunrise
Medium sized yellow heritage tomato on indeterminate plants. Description Golden Sunrise is a golden-yellow medium sized tomato with a sweet, distinctive flavour. The indeterminate, regular-leafed plant produces a good crop of early/mid, round, golden-yellow medium sized fleshy tomatoes. Whilst it is one of the best standard sized yellow tomatoes as it has a distinctive, good…… Continue reading Tomato Golden Sunrise
Tomato Golden Queen
A medium sized yellow heritage tomato on indeterminate plants. Description This medium/large yellow tomato is historically important as it was introduced in 1882 by Livingston as a really good, highly flavoured yellow medium/large tomato on a regular leafed indeterminate plant. The original description says it is excellent for slicing and eating raw as well as…… Continue reading Tomato Golden Queen
Tomato Gold Dust
A orange/yellow standard sized open pollinated tomato on determinate plants. Description Gold Dust is an early deep orange/yellow, regular-leafed, standard sized tomato. The determinate/semi-determinate (Bush) plant produces quantities of round slightly flattened firm fleshed orange/yellow tomatoes of between 4 and 8 ounces (2-3 inches). Its an early ripening variety (with some fruit ripening at the…… Continue reading Tomato Gold Dust
Tomato Gold Stripe
A yellow/green striped cherry tomato on determinate plants. Description Gold Stripe (also known as Rambling Gold Stripe because of its growth habit) is a excellent yellow and green striped (ripening to pale orange) regular leafed, cherry tomato. The determinate (bush) tomato is ideal for hanging baskets and large containers. The small cherry tomatoes start green…… Continue reading Tomato Gold Stripe