A Yellow currant/pea sized open pollinated tomato on compact indeterminate plants. Description A regular leafed untidy indeterminate yellow currant sized tomato (similar in size to Tumbling Tom Yellow). The best way to grow this is as a determinate (i.e. don’t try to take off the sideshoots and accept the fact that it is messy, its…… Continue reading Tomato Gold Rush Currant
Tag: Tomatoes
Tomato German Gold
A yellow/red bicolour beefsteak heritage tomato on indeterminate plants. Description We grew German Gold in 2013 and 2014 with very different results. In 2013 we had over 2kg of fruit but in 2014 it was under 1kg. The fruit are attractive. Yellow with quite heavy fluting but with attractive pink colouring from the flower end…… Continue reading Tomato German Gold
Tomato Garden Pearl (Gartenperle)
Pink/Red Cherry heritage tomato on Determinate plants. Description Garden Pearl (also known as Gartenperle) is an unusual coloured cherry tomato. An early ripening, determinate, regular leafed tomato, one of the best varieties for hanging baskets and patio tubs. Pink to rosy red, small, bite sized fruits produced in cascades over a long cropping season. The…… Continue reading Tomato Garden Pearl (Gartenperle)
Tomato Gardener’s Delight
Red Medium/Large cherry heritage tomato on indeterminate plants. Description Gardener’s Delight is a cherry tomato with a flavour that is one of the best balances of sweet/acid. An early/mid ripening, indeterminate, regular leafed tomato with high yields of bite sized tomatoes make this probably one of the most popular tomatoes for the amateur to grow,…… Continue reading Tomato Gardener’s Delight
Tomato Garden Peach
Peach coloured standard sized heritage tomato on indeterminate plants. Description Garden Peach is a standard tomato with delicate meaty flesh. The regular leafed indeterminate plant has relatively low yields. Whilst they are a novelty with the peachy coloured skin and a “fuzz” on the skin (hence the name Peach) and it does well in taste…… Continue reading Tomato Garden Peach
Tomato Fred Limbaugh Potato Top
Pink Beefsteak heritage tomato on potato leafed indeterminate plants. Description Fred Limbaugh’s Potato Top (aka Limbaugh’s Legacy Potato Top) is one of the (fairly numerous) pink beefsteak tomato on indeterminate, potato leafed plants. They produce large numbers of large fruit (1-2lb) which are slightly flattened and fluted. Really tasty with fruity sweet flavours. The heirloom…… Continue reading Tomato Fred Limbaugh Potato Top
Tomato Essex Wonder
Standard sized red heritage tomato on indeterminate plants Description Essex Wonder was a commercial greenhouse tomato grown in the UK from the 1930’s to the 1950’s when it fell out of favour. It was re-introduced by Thompson and Morgan as part of their Heritage Collection in 2013/4. We grew it in 2014 and (to be…… Continue reading Tomato Essex Wonder
Tomato Emerald Green Cherry
A green cherry heritage or open pollinated tomato on indeterminate plants. Description This is a large cherry tomato, light green with pinkish tinges. Now, there is (in my mind) some confusion. The packet says it was bred by Burpee but looking through Burpees website, there aren’t any Emerald Green Cherry tomatoes, the only green cherry…… Continue reading Tomato Emerald Green Cherry
Tomato Egyptian
A black/brown plum shaped heritage tomato on indeterminate plants. Description In our experience, this is a deep red/brown plum shaped fruit with green shoulders which we grew in 2015 getting a reasonable crop of variable sized fruit with a good colour and reasonable taste. Their history includes an impossible story, that seeds were found in…… Continue reading Tomato Egyptian
Tomato Earliana
A large round red tomato on shortish indeterminate plants Description A compact indeterminate (about 3-4ft), regular leafed red standard sized tomato developed in about 1900 by George Sparks of Salem, New Jersey and released by Johnson and Stokes. It was developed as growers tried to bring the earliest tomato to market. We grew this for…… Continue reading Tomato Earliana