A large round red tomato on shortish indeterminate plants
A compact indeterminate (about 3-4ft), regular leafed red standard sized tomato developed in about 1900 by George Sparks of Salem, New Jersey and released by Johnson and Stokes. It was developed as growers tried to bring the earliest tomato to market.
We grew this for the first time in 2017 and it kept to its name producing quite large fruit early on in the season. The trusses need support to help the weight of fruit per truss. We didn’t find it particularly compact but found that the heavy fruit needed support (it snapped the main stem when it collapsed whilst we were away for a couple of days). They cropped early and went on for a while. A good, prolific tomato for cooler growing regions such as the UK. We’ll grow this again.
See our full list here

Quick Facts
- Fruit Type: Standard
- Fruit Shape: Round
- Fruit Size: 4-5 oz
- Fruit Colour: Red
- Flesh Colour: Red
- Plant Type: Indeterminate
- Leaf Type: Regular
- Seed Type: Heritage
- Ripe Days: Early/Mid (55-75 Days)
- Taste: Good/Sweet
- Our Source: Seed Savers Exchange
- Origin: USA – George Sparks
- Alternatives: Red Brandywine
- Fruit per Truss: 4-6
- Truss Spacing: 15 inches
Buy Your Seeds Here
Prices given are for a packet of seeds (and may be wrong) different suppliers have different numbers of seeds in a packet.
Buy Your Plants Here
Prices may be wrong and will be for different numbers of different sized plants.
No Commercial Source of Plants Known
If you are ordering seeds which have to be imported, make sure they have the necessary documentation
Updated: 20/01/2024