Tomato Yellow Pigmy

Yellow cherry heritage tomato on compact determinate plants. Description Yellow Pigmy is a small yellow cherry tomato that grows on a small but sprawling determinate plant. Similar in some respects to Tumbling Tom Yellow. Its tasty and would be worth growing for the fact that it only takes up a limited space but the fruit…… Continue reading Tomato Yellow Pigmy

Tomato Tumbling Tom Yellow

Small yellow cherry heritage tomato on determinate plants. Description Tumbling Tom Yellow is a yellow cherry tomato “just perfect” for container growing. The early/mid-ripening, determinate, regular leafed, plant is ideal for hanging baskets and containers. It has lots of small sized yellow juicy and sweet tomatoes and is an ideal companion for Tiny Tim and…… Continue reading Tomato Tumbling Tom Yellow

Tomato Sweet Pea Currant

Pea sized red cherry tomato on determinate plants. Description Sweet Pea Currant produces hundreds of pea sized sweet tomatoes. The early ripening, indeterminate, fine regular-leafed plant can be grown as a cordon, its untidy habit means that we recommend that it be grown as a bush indoors or outdoors on the patio, one option is…… Continue reading Tomato Sweet Pea Currant

Tomato Principe Borghese

Red/Pink cherry heritage tomato on determinate plants. Description Principe Borghese is an Italian small paste tomato full of flavour and ideal for sauces and salads. An early/mid-ripening, determinate, regular leafed plant, the cherry tomatoes are about 1-2 oz. The plant is very prolific the fruit is ideal for salads, drying and cooking. The tomatoes can…… Continue reading Tomato Principe Borghese

Tomato Hundreds and Thousands

A red cherry heritage tomato on determinate plants. Description An excellent bite sized (perfect for snacking) cherry tomato from determinate plants that produce literally hundreds or thousands of small fruit from plants which cascade down from whatever you’re growing them in. We grew this for the only time in 2015 as a comparison to Sweet…… Continue reading Tomato Hundreds and Thousands

Tomato Heinz-9129

Medium sized, red, open pollinated tomato on determinate plants. Description Heinz-9129 is a standard sized red tomato with a true tomato taste. It grown on a strong, leafy, determinate (bush) plant and we grew it in 2012. It was successful with a good crop of 2-3 inch fruit which ripened to bright red fruit good…… Continue reading Tomato Heinz-9129

Tomato Gold Dust

A orange/yellow standard sized open pollinated tomato on determinate plants. Description Gold Dust is an early deep orange/yellow, regular-leafed, standard sized tomato. The determinate/semi-determinate (Bush) plant produces quantities of round slightly flattened firm fleshed orange/yellow tomatoes of between 4 and 8 ounces (2-3 inches). Its an early ripening variety (with some fruit ripening at the…… Continue reading Tomato Gold Dust

Tomato Gold Stripe

A yellow/green striped cherry tomato on determinate plants. Description Gold Stripe (also known as Rambling Gold Stripe because of its growth habit) is a excellent yellow and green striped (ripening to pale orange) regular leafed, cherry tomato. The determinate (bush) tomato is ideal for hanging baskets and large containers. The small cherry tomatoes start green…… Continue reading Tomato Gold Stripe

Tomato Garden Pearl (Gartenperle)

Pink/Red Cherry heritage tomato on Determinate plants. Description Garden Pearl (also known as Gartenperle) is an unusual coloured cherry tomato. An early ripening, determinate, regular leafed tomato, one of the best varieties for hanging baskets and patio tubs. Pink to rosy red, small, bite sized fruits produced in cascades over a long cropping season. The…… Continue reading Tomato Garden Pearl (Gartenperle)

Tomato Black Sea Man

A Black small beefsteak tomato growing on a Determinate plant. Description We grew this for the first time in 2017. Our biggest problem was that we had originally assumed that it was Indeterminate and had so prepared to grow it as a standard cordon plant. It wasn’t until we were doing our final check that…… Continue reading Tomato Black Sea Man