End of October 2019 – Review

Well, we’ve got to the end of October, the clocks have gone back and fireworks are beginning to sound in advance of Guy Fawkes Night. I tend to think about now as the end of the productive year and start to think about what should be done for next year. Its been a funny old…… Continue reading End of October 2019 – Review

End of September 2019 Update

So, we’ve reached the end of September and autumn is beginning to make itself felt. The days are already noticeably shorter and the temperatures are starting to drop. The polytunnel has certainly slowed down, french beans have produced less than 1kg of beans although some of the late sowings are still producing edible beans. We’ve…… Continue reading End of September 2019 Update

End of August 2019 Update

(I forgot to publish this before the end of August but it still makes sense even two weeks later) We’re now at the end of August and the Polytunnel has continued to produce reasonable quantities of various things.But first the bad. The tomatoes are well behind normal August last year saw over 15kg of fruit.…… Continue reading End of August 2019 Update

End of July Update – 2019

We’ve come to the end of July and the garden/polytunnel are both doing well with decent harvests of French Beans, Cucumbers and Courgettes adding to the Lettuce (which are still going well). However, the Radishes, Broad Beans and Peas have finished for the year. Whatever I do with Radishes, they never seem to be as…… Continue reading End of July Update – 2019