Another little cluster of pictures as the garden continues to perk up. Despite the heavy rain and strong winds everything is brighter than it was lighter both earlier in the morning and later in the evening.
Author: MTT
Lancaster Bomber & Re-Supply
A few pictures of the final grouping of the Airfix kits. I’m wondering whether to buy a Diorama base to put it all together. The (unrealistic) scenario is the bomber being prepared for a sortie with some of the crew receiving a fnal briefing whilst the bombs are loaded and some of the chocks pulled…… Continue reading Lancaster Bomber & Re-Supply
Airfix – Bomber Resupply – 2
Having looked at the various options, I decided that the next thing to build was the Bedford Truck. Because there is an Oil Bowser, I decided that I would just make the truck, rather than the water carrier. This was the first model that I got significantly wrong. The rear axle has a hole in…… Continue reading Airfix – Bomber Resupply – 2
Airfix – Bomber Resupply Set & RAF Personnel
Having finished my Lancaster Bomber and found it wanting in some ways. I bought the Bomber Resupply Set and some RAF Personnel so that I could add to the Lancaster and make some form of display. Both arrived safely and seemed complete. The Personnel are of a different plastic to the other models, much softer…… Continue reading Airfix – Bomber Resupply Set & RAF Personnel
Spring Flowers – 3
Every day when I go out into the garden. I’m surprised how quickly things are appearing. The clumps of snowdrops are getting bigger and the crocuses seem to be spreading still further and other flowers are showing themselves. Today’s pictures: Iris Violet Camelia
Growing at Home – Last of the Carrots
Growing carrots is something that requires the soil to be of reasonable quality. We are clay and so our carrots never really grow very well, forking and stumpy. However, when I created the raised beds, I filled them with a mixture of garden compost, bought compost and well rotted farmyard manure. The result is a…… Continue reading Growing at Home – Last of the Carrots
Spring Flowers – 2
Its amazing how quickly the flowers are popping their heads up now that the days are getting longer. Over the past few years we’ve tried splitting up the spring bulbs around the garden and we’ve bought naturalising crocus which are spresding themselves through the lawns (almost out of control). The real problem with that will…… Continue reading Spring Flowers – 2
Chitting Potatoes
I haven’t grown potatoes since giving up the allotment. Even then, I really only grew them to fill space. However, this year I’ve decided to minimise the amount of time I spend growing vegetables but I still need to fill the various spaces. So, potatoes get a chance this year. I’ll plant a few in…… Continue reading Chitting Potatoes
Airfix Lancaster Bomber: Part 1
Watching the series about Hornby and their railway models took me back to my childhood when I used to make Airfix models and it made me want to build something to occupy my time. Now I haven’t made an Airfix kit for over 50 years (the last thing I can remember building was Bismark when…… Continue reading Airfix Lancaster Bomber: Part 1
Airfix Lancaster Bomber: Part 4
All that’s really left to do is painting the outside of the bomber and fixing the remaining transfers. Many of the painting schemes assume the use of a spraygun but I don’t have one. I started by “undercoating” the outside of the model so that the subsequent coats would stick properly. I used a mix…… Continue reading Airfix Lancaster Bomber: Part 4