2019 Tomato Sowing Despite the weather, I’ve sorted out the tomatoes to grow in 2019. Its a 50/50 split between new varieties acquired from a seed swap and seeds I’ve saved from previous years. The full list is: Angelle, Aunt Ruby’s German Green, Balconi Red, Black and Brown Boar, Black Krim, Black Vernissage, Britain’s Breakfast,…… Continue reading 2019-Sowing Tomatoes
Tag: Polish Linguisa
Tomatoes for 2019
Now is the time of year when I seriously start thinking about what cultivars I’m going to grow. I have limited space and, over time, I’ve reduced the number of different varieties and plants I grow from a maximum of 70 down to 35 last year. These are my criteria for choosing: What new cultivars…… Continue reading Tomatoes for 2019
Tomato Polish Linguisa
Red elongated plum shaped open pollinated tomato on indeterminate plants. Description From the 2018 Seed Swap, the description on the web sounds much like Red Buffalo Horn, a paste tomato. The first of these ripened in mid-September (but its been a funny year). As you can see, not particularly large (and this was the biggest…… Continue reading Tomato Polish Linguisa