Red large cherry tomato on indeterminate regular leafed plants.. Description Trying to find any information about this cultivar from the web was impossible because of the large number of hits about “Tomato Radio”. Regardless of what I tried to do to sort the wheat from the chaff I didn’t get anywhere. So what’s here is…… Continue reading Tomato Radio
Tomato Homosa
Medium sized red heritage tomato on an indeterminate plant. Description From the 2018 Seed Swap. A cultivar maintained by the Heritage Seed Library, and that’s all I can find on the web, no information as to where it comes from or anything. These started ripening in August 2019. My problem is that 2019 is being…… Continue reading Tomato Homosa
Tomato Angelle
A red Cherry open pollinated tomato on Indeterminate plants Description From the 2018 Seed Swap saved from a supermarket purchase. Now, I don’t entirely agree with doing this, partly because commercial tomatoes are usually F1 hybrids (the commercial growers need consistency which heritage and open pollinated varieties don’t necessarily give) and I’ve also found that…… Continue reading Tomato Angelle
Tomato Balconi Red
Red Cherry heritage tomato on compact determinate plants. Description Acquired through the 2018 seed swap, this cultivar is common on the web. Its a short (12 inch) determinate cherry tomato, similar to Tiny Tim, Micro Tom, Red Robin and others. Our comparison in 2019 showed that this cultivar was a worthwhile competitor to Red Robin…… Continue reading Tomato Balconi Red
Tomato Black and Brown Boar
A stripy black standard sized open pollinated tomato on indeterminate plants. Description From the 2018 Seed Swap According to the web, this was found in a row of Green Zebra at Wild Boar Farms. Its interesting how many varieties have come from Green Zebra, it must be slightly unstable. Its available from a number of…… Continue reading Tomato Black and Brown Boar
Tomato Black Vernissage
A stripy black standard sized open pollinated tomato on indeterminate plants. Description From the 2018 Seed Swap According to the web, its a stripey black Russian cultivar, similar to Black Zebra. However, we’ll have to see which we prefer. 2019 Update It is stripey and Black. However, much smaller than Black Zebra and more like…… Continue reading Tomato Black Vernissage
Tomato German Red Strawberry
Large oxheart red open pollinated tomato on indeterminate plants. Description From the 2018 Seedswap, I grew this for the first time in 2019. Its a bit like Sunset’s Red Horizon although (in my experience) a bit less pointed (searching the web seems to indicate that their shape can be inconsistent). According to the web, its…… Continue reading Tomato German Red Strawberry
Tomato Giallo d’Iverno
A red Cherry open pollinated tomato on Indeterminate plants Description From the 2018 Seed Swap, we weren’t sure what this was going to be as we couldn’t find it described anywhere on the web (the nearest was Grappoli D’Inervo which is a grape shaped cultivar – it was in my database but without an associated…… Continue reading Tomato Giallo d’Iverno
Tomato King George (Kennilworth)
Medium sized red heritage tomato on an indeterminate plant. Description From the 2018 Seed Swap. Described on the web as a 1930’s cultivar grown extensively in Kenilworth Warwickshire. Now the problem that I have with Commercial Cultivars that fall out of fashion is that is usually a reason – poor flavour, growth, volume or such…… Continue reading Tomato King George (Kennilworth)
Tomato Livingston’s Favourite
Medium sized red heritage tomato on an indeterminate plant. Description From the 2018 Seed Swap. This is described across the web as a very old variety (introduced in 1883) in the Livingston Seed Catalogue. Said to have good flavour, etc. so we will see how it compares to others. Unfortunately, it didn’t do anything. 2019…… Continue reading Tomato Livingston’s Favourite